Backbone of its R&D capability, the PRC’s state laboratories play pivotal roles in advancing basic research, driving tech innovation, and realising national priorities. State labs sit in two tiers: National Labs on top and National Key Labs (NKLs) below. Each tier serves a distinct purpose within the R&D ecosystem.
In the first months of Trump 2.0, his claim that Beijing ‘runs the Panama Canal' grabbed attention; Hong Kong-resident shipping heavyweight Hutchinson Whampoa has managed ports on the canal since 1997. What is evident to many observers is the converse, the net effect, of Trump’s accusation: Beijing’s credibility, not least in the global south and, by extension, in the UN and other multilateral fora, is likely to rise.
Backbone of its R&D capability, the PRC’s state laboratories play pivotal roles in advancing basic research, driving tech innovation, and realising national priorities. State labs sit in two tiers: National Labs on top and National Key Labs (NKLs) below. Each tier serves a distinct purpose within the R&D ecosystem.
In the first months of Trump 2.0, his claim that Beijing ‘runs the Panama Canal' grabbed attention; Hong Kong-resident shipping heavyweight Hutchinson Whampoa has managed ports on the canal since 1997. What is evident to many observers is the converse, the net effect, of Trump’s accusation: Beijing’s credibility, not least in the global south and, by extension, in the UN and other multilateral fora, is likely to rise.
Backbone of its R&D capability, the PRC’s state laboratories play pivotal roles in advancing basic research, driving tech innovation, and realising national priorities. State labs sit in two tiers: National Labs on top and National Key Labs (NKLs) below. Each tier serves a distinct purpose within the R&D ecosystem.
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