Zhonghua national community as an example for global governance

context: The CPC aims to develop a ‘sense of Zhonghua national community’, uniting all ethnic groups under the Zhonghua (Chinese) identity. The State Ethnic Affairs Commission states that this identity is based on shared cultural and historical experiences, transcending individual ethnicities. Pan Yue 潘岳 State Ethnic Affairs Commission director emphasises that ethnic ‘diversity’ and national ‘unity’ are not mutually exclusive. He believes Chinese traditional philosophy is adaptive, integrating seemingly contradictory ideas.

The values and experiences in cultivating a ‘sense of Zhonghua (Chinese) national community’ showcase Socialist China’s wisdom and responsible attitude in governance, contends Li Jialin 李佳林 CPC Ordos Municipal Party Committee Party School associate professor.

Li suggests that the concept is deeply rooted in traditional culture and discourse

  • values harmony and integration
    • common thought upheld by Confucious, Laozi and Mencius
    • reflected in multiple different levels
      • human and nature: ecological harmony
      • ideology and culture: broad acceptance
      • political culture: attracting tributaries
      • foreign relations: seek peaceful coexistence
  • counters Western hegemony
    • Western countries attempt to export their political ideology
      • employed economic sanctions, political suppression and cultural infiltration
      • invoked foreign wars for domestic class interest
    • historical lessons taught us that only harmony could support development
      • respect differences of countries, cultures and religion
      • same as domestic ethnic policies that facilitate cooperation

According to Li, the Zhonghua national community also helps with building a community of a shared future for mankind

  • the ability of the PRC to retain social stability and promote multi-ethnic common prosperity is itself a vital contribution to global development
  • both concepts embodied similar concepts
    • bind different groups together to counter common challenges
    • allow diverse ethnic groups to develop cohesion and result in win-win development
  • employ Zhonghua national community as an example to show that the Chinese way could help bring peace and cooperation

Ultimately he contends, the initiative helps to build a Marxist community of shared destiny

  • socialism seeks to build a ‘coalition of free man’
    • previous communities are built based on othering and sacrificing certain groups
      • natural formed: clan-based communities
      • abstract: capital and money
      • fictional: class and state
    • as socialism progresses, they will all be eliminated and replaced by man’s complete emancipation
  • highly aligns with Zhonghua national community
    • both represent social interest while retaining people’s unique characteristics
      • Zhonghua nation-building does not eliminate ethnic differences, but unite them on a higher level
      • scientific socialism transcends domestic interests, but focus on global prosperity