Party-building in new employment groups

context: The Party has been deepening grassroots oversight by expanding Party committee coverage locally. Party committees are usually attached to housing, government or commercial units. As instant retailing and e-commerce became prominent, many citizens shifted to work online or independently. To patch the supervisory weak spot, the CPC deems it necessary to create Party cells stationed in related platforms. 

The CPC Organisational Department and Central Social Work Department held a virtual forum on Party-building work in the new industrial paradigm and new employment groups, reports the China Organisation and Personnel Affairs Press.

The forum rallies cadres to enhance the Party’s clout, cohesion and impact on new emerging sectors

  • thoroughly study Xi Jinping 习近平 CPC general secretary’s directives on strengthening Party-building work in
    • the new industrial paradigm
    • new employment groups
  • centre on breaking through strategic difficulties
  • yield apparent results

On the ground, Party cadres should consolidate Party presence in leading enterprises in the field, working their way through controlling the entire industrial chain. Notably, Party committees have to advance ‘two coverages’, i.e. expanding Party-building work in

  • industrial franchises
  • partner corporations

The following initiatives are to be carried out

  • merging Party-building and commercial management
    • advance Party apparatus’ political and organisational functions
    • back e-platforms and courier firms in high-quality development
  • pay close attention to changes and development of the new industrial paradigm and new employment groups
    • advance Party-building in the following sectors
      • courier
      • online delivery-hailing
      • online car-hailing
      • road freight transport based on Internet platforms
    • explore Party-building options in
      • live streaming
      • social commerce
      • online-hailed housekeeping
  • combine ideological guidance with social services
    • enhance the effectiveness and conciseness of political work
    • pay more attention to the needs of new employment groups
      • defend their rights according to the law
    • bind new employment groups to the Party’s governance sphere
  • clarify management and coordination mechanisms for Party-building
    • foster Party-building work via
      • industrial management capabilities
      • official oversight abilities
    • build a system that favours central-local collaboration

Relevant personnel from provincial and XPCC (Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps) Organisation Departments and Social Work Departments attended the meeting. Certain comrades from central units and departments are also present.