hukou overhaul and land reform lead push for urban-rural balance

context: An article in The Paper discusses the Central Committee's new proposal to implement a residency registration system (hukou) to provide basic public services and accelerate the urbanisation of the rural ag population. This proposal was outlined in the 'Resolution on further comprehensive deepening of reforms and promoting Chinese-style modernisation', released by Xinhua on 21 July, following the conclusion of the Third Plenum. 

Following the publication of the Third Plenum Resolution, The Paper delves into the latest initiatives for enhancing urban-rural integration and modernising ag policies 

  • urban-rural integrated development framework
    • emphasises the integration of new industrialisation, urbanisation and rural revitalisation
    • seeks to promote equal exchange and two-way flow between urban and rural areas
      • reduce urban-rural disparities
      • achieve balanced development
        • ultimately leading to common prosperity
  • urbanisation and public services
    • new urbanisation mechanism
      • develops framework for
        • industry upgrades
        • population concentration
        • urban development
      • implements a residency registration system providing basic public services
        • address barriers migrant workers face
        • ensures equal rights in
          • social insurance
          • housing
          • education
    • land rights and integration
      • protects the legitimate land rights of rural migrants
      • explores methods for voluntary compensated land exit
  • land and ag reforms
    • land market reforms
      • establishes a unified urban-rural land market
        • facilitates free flow of resources
        • improves farmers' property income
    • support for agriculture
      • enhances strong ag support policies
        • strengthens diversified food supply system
        • promotes new rural industries
    • insurance and subsidies
      • expands multi-level ag insurance
        • including total cost insurance and income insurance
        • provides various options for different types of farmer
    • land management reforms
      • reforms the balance of cultivated land occupation and compensation
      • improves high-standard farmland construction and management mechanism
      • formalises the 'priority order of cultivated land use' policy
        • emphasising use of cultivated land for crops
      • reclaim and upgrade land to offset arable land used for development
  • implementation and coordination
    • macro policy coordination
      • improves land management to align with macro policies and regional development
      • prioritises land for major projects and leading industries
    • grain security
      • ensures reasonable prices for grain and other key ag products
      • establishes compensation mechanism between grain-producing and selling regions
    • long-term rural revitalisation mechanism
      • leverages 'ten thousand villages' experience
        • ensures sustainable rural poverty alleviation mechanisms
  • expert opinions
    • Zhang Zhaoxin 张照新 Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs Rural Economy Research Centre researcher
      • integration approach
        • ensures rural revitalisation considered within broader economic and social development plans
      • public service residency registration system
        • significant shift from past practices
        • predicts large-scale improvements for farmer livelihoods
    • Zhong Shihu 钟世虎 Shanghai National Accounting Institute lecturer
      • residency registration system
        • aligns with the natural population movement trends towards coastal regions and major cities
          • breaks away from restrictive hukou system that directed people to small cities
      • land market reforms
        •  breaks down the urban-rural land system divide
        • enable farmers to earn property income from land