Legislative Affairs Commission on proposed bills

context: The Third Plenum Communique stresses structural reforms to boost cross-department and regional collaboration, while ensuring reforms align with state law. The Party plans to standardise successful reform practices for consistency, balancing changes with legal mandates. In the latest National People’s Congress Standing Committee meeting, the Legislative Affairs Commission announced a list of legislation for review, mostly aligned with the Committee’s 2024 legislative agenda.

Wang Xiang 王翔 NPCSC (National People’s Congress Standing Committee) Legislative Affairs Commission spokesman introduced major legislation in the 14th NPCSC 11th Meeting to the public, reports People’s Daily.

The Commission recommends the following changes to the National Defence Education Law amendment bill in the second round of review

  • strengthen the role of school-based national defence education
    • combined with military service promotion
  • clarify the structure, content and purpose of military training
    • standardise basic programmes
    • cultivate a spirit of discipline and compliance
  • bridge the National Defence Education Law with the Reservists Law
    • clarify demands for providing national defence education for reservists

Amendment of the Statistics Law, meanwhile, focuses on

  • curbing and preventing data fraud  
  • developing and refining accountability systems
  • clarified legal responsibilities and red lines

The Legislative Affairs Commission proposed the following changes

  • added the following articles
    • regard prohibiting and punishing fraud as the legal responsibility of administrators
    • strengthen evaluation over statistic work carried out by leading cadres
  • expanded conditions of prohibition
    • could not demand or suggest subordinate units to fill in fake data
    • could not retaliate against those who refuse to comply
  • strengthened penalties against leaders who failed to detect fraud

The Commission made the following adjustments to the second amendment bill for the Anti-Money Laundering Law

  • demand responsible administrative managerial departments in the State Council to release risk guidelines jointly with relevant state organs
    • monitor new types of laundering risks in new sectors
  • call for refining oversight and analysis system to target particular situations of laundering
  • alarm financial institutions of money laundering risks brought by new businesses

To bridge new energy and traditional energy use, the second draft of the energy bill set the following demands

  • clarified the direction of energy structure readjustment
    • prioritise renewable energy
    • reasonably and effectively use fossil fuels
    • safely and orderly replace fossil fuels with non-fossil-fuel energy
  • promote effective development of coal-fired power generation
  • develop new-type electronic systems
    • coordinated build-up of energy source and power grid  
    • enhance the assignment of clean energy sources over grids