supporting the private economy and building a socialist market economy

context: Beijing finally set the long-anticipated 20th Central Committee’s Third Plenum for July 2024. A number of meetings, including this one, can be understood as previews of the major themes that will be discussed and set at the plenum. A common thread throughout these meetings, including Politburo meetings in April and May, is more work to support the private economy, a key economic task since summer 2023. Questions remain, however, if the centre can truly provide enough assurances to spur a new wave of flourishing private enterprises.

The seventh meeting of the Standing Committee of the 14th CPPCC (Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference) National Committee opened in Beijing on 4 June 2024. The meeting focused on building a high-level socialist market economy system and is set to last two and a half days. Reports from major leaders and discussion included:

  • Wang Huning 王沪宁 CPPCC chair
    • emphasised that constructing a high-level socialist market economy system is a major task proposed by the CCP, crucially outlined at the 20th National Congress
    • stressed the importance of deeply understanding Xi Jinping's economic thoughts and the ‘Two Establishes’ (两个确立) (note: that refers to Xi as the core of the Party leadership and Xi Jinping Thought as its guiding dogma
    • urged CPPCC members to enhance their political responsibility and historical mission to serve the broader agenda
    • called for thorough consultation and suggestions to contribute to the comprehensive modernization and revival of the Chinese nation
  • Ding Xuexiang 丁薛祥 Executive Vice Premier
    • highlighted the necessity of using Xi Jinping's thoughts as a guiding framework, employing a holistic and systematic approach to reform
    • stressed the ‘Two Unwaverings’ (两个毫不动摇)
      • importance of strengthening and improving state-owned capital and enterprises while supporting the development of the non-public economy
    • advocated for accelerating the construction of a unified national market and improving fundamental market economy systems, including 
      • property rights protection
      • market access
      • fair competition
      • social credit
    • emphasised the strategic role of 
      • national development planning
      • coordinated fiscal and monetary policies
      • promoting steady economic growth
    • encouraged alignment with high-standard international trade rules and gradual institutional opening to foster new advantages in international economic cooperation and competition
  • reviewed reports from various CPPCC committees on
    • accelerating the transformation and upgrading of traditional manufacturing
    • strengthening water conservancy infrastructure and improving agricultural production capacity
    • promoting the green and low-carbon transformation of industries
    • strengthening cooperation between Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau in participating in the Belt and Road Initiative
    • implementing strategies to enhance free trade zones

CPPCC Daily reports discussed topics included

  • unified national market
  • macroeconomic management
  • improving income distribution
  • improving social security
  • combined rural-urban economic development
  • high-level open economy