AI education in elementary and secondary schools by 2030

context: Scitech is deemed instrumental to Chinese-style modernisation. The 2024 Two Sessions top task is using scitech to invigorate the PRC. Although Beijing and Shanghai have already issued guiding documents on covering AI knowledge in mandatory education, a notice to strengthen AI education in primary and secondary schools released on 3 December by the Ministry of Education  is the first national level document on the topic.

The document aims to develop AI education in mandatory education and universities comprehensively, and cover basic AI education in elementary and secondary schools before 2030.

Overall requirements include

  • build a human-centred AI education system, fostering critical thinking, innovation and problem-solving skills
  • encourage student engagement through exploration and practice, combining learning with practical applications
  • strengthen top-level planning, promote inter-departmental collaboration and support pilot programs in capable schools

Curriculum development guidelines 

  • build a structured AI curriculum integrated into existing courses
    • lower primary should focus on AI awareness and experience
    • upper primary and middle school should emphasise understanding and application
    • high school should highlight project creation and advanced applications
  • include AI education in after-school services and research projects, linking industry, academia and research institutions
  • promote task-based, project-based and problem-solving learning models

Resource development and learning environment

  • teaching resources
    • create an AI education section on the national smart education platform for resource sharing
    • establish AI education bases and open university, research and enterprise labs to schools
  • learning environment
    • upgrade digital teaching environments and AI labs
    • encourage resource sharing across schools to provide practical learning spaces

Teacher development

  • integrate AI teacher training into professional development plans
  • encourage schools to recruit qualified professionals from universities, research institutes and tech companies as part-time AI instructors

Student engagement and activities

  • organise AI-themed activities connecting students’ personal, school and social lives to create a strong learning atmosphere

Urban-rural integration

  • increase support for rural and remote schools through teacher exchanges and online courses.
  • promote school partnerships for knowledge sharing and joint improvement in AI education quality