integrating ideological and political education

context: Reverting to a leftist revolutionary line, the CPC is employing Party education campaigns to guarantee Party cohesion. Following the success of Xi Jinping Thought theme-based education in 2023, the CPC Central Committee aspires to systematise internal Party ideological indoctrination. Enforcing ideological education in schools are also part of the plan to foster cohesion. 

A conference on the advancement of ideological and political education in schools for the New Era was held in Beijing on 11 May 2024. In the New Era, ideological and political education courses must adapt to new conditions and challenges, argued Xi Jinping 习近平. Xi remarked that ideological and political education needs to 

  • build a curriculum that integrates from elementary through higher education
  • develop a dedicated team of teachers
  • be guided by the principle socialism with Chinese characteristics 
  • be prioritised by party committees at all levels 
  • be mainly carried out in educational institutions 
    • train individuals capable of contributing to national rejuvenation and trusted by the Party

Ding Xuexiang 丁薛祥 vice-premier commented more on

  • curriculum development 
    • education materials centred on Xi Jinping Thoughts 
  • motivational teaching
    • narrate the story of the New Era with its achievements 
  • educational scope 
    • extend ‘comprehensive ideological and political education’ in societal contexts
  • teacher development 
    • building a robust team of ideological and political education teachers with enhanced professional status, compensation and evaluation systems
  • implementation 
    • local governments are responsible for ensuring the development of ideological and political education