calls to increase geriatric medical services

context: A notice on improving geriatric medical services was issued by the NHC (National Health Commission) on 4 November, specifying that eligible Class II and higher general hospitals should establish standardised geriatric departments. The goal is for 80 percent of Class II and higher general public hospitals to have compliant geriatric departments by the end of 2027, building on a 2022 target set by the NHC and the National Committee on Ageing, which aimed for at least 60 percent the hospitals to establish geriatric departments by 2025.

Zhang Tiemei 张铁梅 Beijing Hospital National Geriatrics Centre professor highlights that geriatric medical services address the complex health needs of the elderly, encompassing disease prevention, personalised treatment, rehabilitation and palliative care. This continuous approach is key to enhancing geriatric care and is different from the current specialist-focused medical model. 

Establishing and operating geriatric medicine departments across the PRC still faces significant challenges

  • new discipline
    • slow development 
    • severe shortage of specialised professionals
    • most geriatric specialists have transitioned from other fields, often without formal training in geriatric medicine
  • low incomes
  • limited career advancement opportunities
    • difficult to attract and retain talent
    • low service fees and high operating costs lead to losses
    • hospitals lack enthusiasm for setting up geriatric departments
  • skill undervalued 
    • comprehensive geriatric assessments—a key skill for geriatricians—cover not only physical health but also cognitive, mental and social factors
    • these assessments are undervalued compared to other specialised procedures
    • geriatric treatments often involve less prescriptions to reduce medication risks
  • funding constraints
    • medical insurance often covers only single disease treatments
    • elderly patients having multiple conditions frequently
    • misaligning with the holistic care approach needed

Experts emphasise that developing geriatric departments requires dedicated policies and targeted funding to bridge this gap.